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/a/ - quality of 'a-one tokyo' products
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/a/ - Advice & Review

File: 1419969824831.jpg (1.31 MB, 2250x4000, onahole.jpg, io e g t)

ID: e401a No. 494

hi. I'm new in the onahole community. I got myself an onahole by the company 'a-one tokyo' and wanted to ask for your experience? are they making good products?

p.s. since my japanese is rather poor, I'll upload the frontcover of the box

ID: 8c12e No.495

A-One is usually okay… they are slightly better than NPG for the few stuff I got.

You can read about various makers here :) https://blog.onahole.eu/vendors/#makers

ID: fe117 No.496

thank you

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