ID: aeebe No.59
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I've got so much, I don't wanna choose ^^
Well currently I like Virgin Loop a lot. And I also recommend it for beginners :)
ID: aeebe No.61
File: 1383161595608.jpg (6.47 KB, 200x200, 4edefebfc168f__62489_zoom.jpg, io e g t)

I'm a fan of dakimakura (20 so far, and too many pillows stuffed in the closet because I don't like not being able to see the girls without removing one daki and putting another one on a pillow), and while there are lots of good hand-held toys that I really like–Girl in a Box, Daydream Girl, Secret Twin Tales, and more–my favorites are still the Sakura Camel Toe Pillow Hole and Tubomi. Flat bottomed, they work on any dakimakura, they don't slide around much, and you can also use them on other things, (no, I won't go into that….). They're not practical for hand-held use, but amazingly they don't seem to tear, they're pretty easy to clean, and they're available even in a US mail order house. Sakura Camel Toe is hard to find anywhere but QueenCat has them.
ID: aeebe No.64
Aurelchan, QueenCat Adult Toys is here: I visit, the Sakura Camel Toe is visible down the front page (scroll down to see it). Be advised, some reviews point out (and product descriptions specify) that it is "too short" for western users, but I'm basically average size and I've not broken through the end yet. I have made a small tear in the inner 'lips' inside the entrance, but for the most part, this hole has held up through lots of satisfying uses. No guarantee it will work the same for anyone else; I go gently at first, like I would with a virgin, but by the end I'm not holding anything back. It's soft, not firm. Stretchy enough to clean just by opening the hole wide under running water, no need to turn it inside out to clean.