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/a/ - Princesse knight catue ona hole review
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/a/ - Advice & Review

File: 1372469907549.png (1.59 MB, 2550x3300, review copy.png, io g t)

ID: 8dc53 No. 9

first time reviewing, dont bash me to hard =P

ID: 8dc53 No.10

Putting a bullet vibrator in the onahole is a good idea, I'm using a quite strong one and hell it gives such intense stimulation :o

So, EXE had the idea but not the skill. Thanks Nobodywashere for your review, feel free to post more :)
(a few typos in the text, nothing severe)

ID: 8dc53 No.11

Nice review. I put a bullet in my Misaka onahole (I thought it appropiate for biri-biri) and it was pretty good. It's an open hole type so not the best choice, technically.

ID: 8dc53 No.12

Ill be posting more reviews shortly
Follow me on twitter @nobodywasheres for updates =P

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