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/b/ - my order at omochadream
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/b/ - Random

File: 1438891434020.jpg (256.05 KB, 1707x1024, fin4.jpg, io e g t)

ID: f32c3 No. 459

Hi everyone
so i did my last order at omochadream.de and thought it could be usefull to tell everyone my experience
So the site has all it's page in english.
Concerning the product , i wanted a Swallowing witch ( i didn't tried it for now , i wait to have more privacy to enjoy this new girl in my harem :3 )

After filling my cart i proceeded to the check out and was invited to sign up in order to finnish my purchase .
So did i , and then i was ready to make the payement ….but nope i got redirected to the term and conditions and had to agree to it (only available in german it seems, not easy when you never learned it :/ i just hope one of them wasn't to date their chancellor T_T )
and so i reached my paypal account
i paid and…that's all
I didn't saw any option to remove any package or things that could put me in trouble in my country .

The shipment : i see it's shipped by DHL …good , fast shipment and a decent tracking . But i was wrong ._.
DHL ship to the frontier and give it to my local post ,which has a very bad tracking >_>
to be exact the order + shipment took 1 day on the german side and …3 days on my ( french) side
so as you can see on the box the sendder is "od Jahn " and nothing is precised about the content ( good point C: )
After opening the shippment box i founf my bill , My witch ..and a sample of the Peace's lube ( nice i never tried it :3 )
that's all for now
oh yeah , on my account the thing will appear as "PAYPAL *OMOCHADREAM"

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